Friday, September 16, 2016


*Retrieved from Pinterest - Tears of Sadness/Joy

The "blues" can derive from one to many things manifested in someone's life. You may experience a recent breakup, get laid off from your employment of 5 years, get into an argument with a friend, or you failed a major exam. For some, having the "blues" can last for hours to days. Someone with the “blues” might experience sadness longer than expected where he or she cannot simply get over it. The question becomes…Is it simply the blues?

Some people, are wondering what can it be. It is a 10 letter word that is hard for many to say aloud, admit a relative may have it or let alone fabricate having it themselves. It is DEPRESSION (Major Depression). This disorder does not discriminate and it affects anyone regardless of age, gender, racial, and cultural backgrounds.

There are some things to look for to determine whether or not Depression maybe the root of your problem(s). (Note: this is not an exhaustive list and you should always seek immediate help!) 

  • Sleep Patterns-  Some people may have problems falling asleep, staying awake, sleeping less or more.
  • Appetite- Individuals may stop eating or eat excessively. 
  • Energy level- A person may complain of being tired and not performing in their daily activities.
  • Interest level- Some people may not desire to participate in their normal routines. 
  • Hopelessness- A person may have a negative viewpoint where nothing good will happen and/or having suicidal thoughts. 
  • Body Symptoms- Individuals may report experiencing headaches, stomach aches, body aches, etc. 
Here are some resources to consider if you feel like you or someone maybe experiencing Depression. First, contact your medical doctor and set up an appointment. Secondly, identify a support group (e.g., parents, friends, teachers, social workers, mentors, etc.) to help you during this ordeal. Spend time doing positive and healthy activities such as coloring, listening to relaxing music, and exercising. There are a couple of hotline numbers to call when an EMERGENCY arise. For example, you can call the National Hopeline Network at 1-800-784-2433 and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. In addition, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a great website with a plethora of resources. It is critical to follow up with recommendations made by your medical doctor and to continue using available resources during this time. Keep in mind to seek immediate help when needed for yourself or a love one!! As always, peace be with you!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Why Counseling?

There are many reasons why an individual should pursue counseling. Counseling is another avenue for individuals to work with an expert in order to overcome many daily stressors one may have in their life. Counseling can address a wide range of concerns from SMALL to BIG. This in itself is based on one's perspective. What I deemed to be a BIG challenge may be considered small to the next person. Some people pursue counseling to address a recent loss of a love one, Depression, feeling lost in determining their goals in life, and struggling behaviorally at school. The process of counseling is not to be viewed as TRIVIAL. Counseling is a time to collaborate with an expert, find ways to cope, develop a different outlook on a problem(s), and ultimately make GROWTH.

There are some key things to consider when seeking counseling:

1). Why are you pursuing counseling? Begin with, self-reflecting on why you are interested in counseling. For example, one may need help with developing and maintaining healthy relationships.

2). What are some things you would like to get out of counseling? Be HONEST when you ask yourself this question!!

3). RESEARCH THERAPISTS NEAR YOU. This consists of learning potential therapists' experience when working with various populations (e.g., cultural groups, adolescents, older adults, etc.), specialty areas (e.g., Mental Health, Autism, Trauma, Sexual Abuse, etc.), education levels, and therapy approaches, etc.

4).  It is a Trial and Error Process. Sometimes you will not mesh well with a therapist. This is perfectly fine. Not everyone will find their perfect wedding dress or house on the first try. Keep looking and engage in counseling sessions until you find the right one. At no time, should you give up because your ideal therapist is just around the corner so to speak! 

5). Determine how much time you are willing to put into the counseling process. Realistically counseling is not a quick fix that will occur overnight. There is no magical wand that the therapist will pull out during sessions in order to cure your problems. If this was the case we would be Billionaires!

Good luck on finding your perfect match... Therapist!!

Sunday, September 11, 2016


I wanted to become the quote that I had the luxury of hearing from Maya Angelou---"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud". As you can imagine, she articulated this phrase more eloquently then I can possible do. My private practice offer a group of services that I have spent my entire career providing and/or ensuring for students. Most importantly, I wanted these services to become available in order to help a wide range of people who reside in or near the surrounding Western Suburbs of Chicago. These services are therapy, educational assessments/testing, parenting classes, and professional development opportunities to name a few. Please visit my website to learn more about my practice. Lastly, feel free to continue reading my blog in order to follow my journey, learn available resources to help others or yourself. 

Friday, September 9, 2016


It is a pleasure to share my experiences with the entire world. This has been a long time in development. I imagined opening a private practice as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 2006. Throughout the years, I worked in residential facilities, foster care, early interventions, private practice, and educational settings. No matter how my life changed or I obtained a new license, opening my own private practice has always resonated with me. So, now I am here.

                                                           **image retrieved from