Friday, December 28, 2018


Careers helping people - two hands linked together

Recently, various medias are reporting ongoing announcements about the rise of suicide. Suicide affects people directly and indirectly. For example, you may had a relative who committed suicide. Perhaps, you knew a classmate who committed suicide. The odds of being closely affected by suicide is greatly increasing. Hopefully, you are troubled by the record numbers of suicide, moved to help decrease these incidences, and simply want to do more to help. Whatever your motivation…A united front is required from everyone to save lives. 

Warning Signs
There are some warning signs to look for when discussing suicide. The more knowledgeable you become the better you will see these signs to help yourself and/or someone else. Always seek help for yourself and/or love ones if you witness these signs.

  • Talking about wanting to die, death, committing suicide, or killing themselves

  • Researching ways to kill themselves (e.g., Internet, books, movies, etc.)

  • Purchase items to kill themselves (e.g., guns, ropes, etc.)

  • Talking about being hopeless or not having any reasons to live

  • Talking about being trapped, defeated, or having unbearable pain

  • Talking about being a burden to others

  • The person increase their usage of alcohol or drugs

  • Behavioral changes — anxiety, agitated, rage, or reckless behaviors

  • Changes in sleep (e.g, increase or decrease)

  • Withdrawing behaviors 

  • Talking about seeking a revenge

Do Your Part
See Something…Say Something: It is critical to take the stance of See Something…Say Something when dealing with comments, written texts, pictures, and jokes made by a person. This means if a persons says, “I am not going to be here tomorrow because I cannot take it any more! Man, I was just joking. I am really not going to do anything.” Perhaps, you see a quote on Snapchat about death from one of your friends. Another example is when a coworker is having problems in their relationship, and he/she talks about seeking a revenge. It is fine to say something to an adult, local authorities, and professionals to get the person the help they need. This will allow you to do to your part in extending a helping hand to someone in need, providing assistances to someone unsure as to what they should do, and ultimately to save lives. 

Ask Questions: Spending time with our love ones is a necessary pastime to engage in discussions and to ask questions. We have to ensure people know they matter and we want to hear their Truth. Also, ask questions in a safe environment where the person can be heard, provide a listening ear, and support during this process. You want to follow up on things you have seen or heard from the person. This includes asking questions about love one’s changes in behaviors and any new found interests. In addition, ask questions about books, movies, social medias, music to have a better understanding about things they have felt and/or are feeling. Please take every responses made by the person very seriously. Lastly, it is perfectly fine to admit you do not know the answers but you will find someone who does.  

Seek Help: There are different levels of seeking help. First, you can immediately seek help by calling 1-800-273-8255 (Suicide Prevention Hotline) or using the online chat. It is critical to seek help from trained experts in this area such as social workers, counselors, therapists, doctors, and psychologists. You can seek help by talking to an adult such as parents, teachers, relatives, or employers. Some other helpful supports are seeking help from someone close to you such as friends, associates, or classmates whom you can confide in about your concerns. Remember it is important to express your feelings, concerns, and anything which led you to needing help. Keep in mind there are no problems big or small, you are not alone, and there are many people who can help you. Finally, there are people who wants to hear your Truth and to support you with your concerns. 

Get Involve: You can be a change agent by getting involved and joining the movement on preventing suicide. Everyone can do their part by getting involved on different levels. You can participate by volunteering, having conversations on the topic, sharing stories, and donating to this cause. Some of you may want to establish a local support group, spreading awareness during Suicide Prevention Month, advocating to schools to have assemblies on the topic, using Social Medias to spread the word, and many more. Keep in mind you have the power to save lives!

Resources for suicide prevention has evolved tremendously over the years. There are many resources available which are free of charge to provide education, prevention, and support for people. Some websites available are the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, NIMH, and to name a few. In addition, there are trained persons available to talk to about mental health concerns. These websites are as followed: 

Take time to download the MY3 app from the PlayStore and share with others. Lastly, join the suicide movement