Monday, January 7, 2019

Improving Your Mental Health Status

Having a stable mental health is very important and it is helpful to have in the game of life. There are many mantras to hold as you embark on this journey of building your mental health.  

Be a Better Version

Being healthy is vital to maintaining your mental health. To be a better version of you involves taking care of your basic needs such as getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, exercising, and  eating healthy. Many may read this and say, “I do not have enough time!” All of these tasks are achievable if you take time out to improve your time management andutilize planning. Let dive a little deeper to determine how to execute a routine to stay healthy. We spend at least 6 to 10 hours a day working. In addition, we have other factors to add to the equation such as family, school, another employment, children, social activities, and many more. With that said, identify things you can do throughout your day to become healthier. Perhaps, using breaks at work for walking and staying active. Also, allocating time for planning healthy meals and setting priorities for weekly tasks. Be like the Jones and purchase an expensive water bottle to increase your water intake. Take the time to be a better version of you. You got this!

Relax & Release

Having time for self-care will encourage a better you. It will help align your mind, body, and spirit. Be selfish and take time out for self-care. So, allocate time throughout your day to relax and actually do things you plan. Some simple things you can do is to take a quick nap, get a facial, pedicure/manicure, watch your favorite TV show,  and read a book to name a few. You can make it more enjoyable by including significant others, children, friends, and other in this time. For example, you can engage in a Date Night by going to the nearest spa, a Girls’ Night to catch up on the latest Netflix’s movie or put the children down for a nap while including yourself. Your inner circle will be thankful because you are very relaxed and a better person. 

Reclaim Your Internal Dialogue

A great deal of people have internal dialogue which promote disasters, and roadblocks in their lives. People have conversations in their head that are self-criticizing, and  negative. You might  

Trash your negative thoughts
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find yourself saying, “I am stupid! I need to lose 35 more pounds. Why can’t I be like Michaela? (By the way, who is Michaela?) Why try? He will never be interested in me.” By using these negative conversations we tend to stifle our confidence and motivation. It is imperative to shift from using self-criticizing as much as possible. Try using self-compassion instead of using self-criticizing. Self-Compassion is being kind to yourself with words or thoughts, using compliments, and showing more love to yourself. Some examples are praising yourself when you accomplished a task, writing love letters to yourself, and saying things which brings you gratitude. In addition, it is helpful to use positive affirmations in your internal dialogue and you will be surprise how much it will change your perspective. 

To Cope or Not To Cope?

Take time to find healthy outlets to cope with stressors in life. Everyone should have a list of coping strategies to reference to when life throws curve balls. How do you cope? What are some grounding techniques you use when faced with intense emotions? You may need to reflect on coping strategies you currently use during a crisis. Did they successfully worked? There are many healthy coping strategies around to help relieve stress and become centered throughout the day. Some examples are listening to music, coloring, painting, attending a Zumba or Yoga class, praying, attending church, volunteering, taking a bath, or going for a run. The goal is to identify as many strategies as you can so you can get in a habit of practicing and using them regularly. 

We are Family

Who said you have to do it all? This is simply unrealistic and harmful. Doing it all prevent you from collaborating with your support system, and demonstrating to those around you that seeking help is not necessary in life. Who wants to spend time worrying about other tasks on the “To do list”? I encourage you to utilize your support system (e.g., relatives, friends, sorority sisters, etc.) to accomplish things you have to do in your everyday life. Support Systems allow opportunities for socializing, self-care, relaxing, and accomplishing other thing you would normally not do. When you find yourself returning to this old habit remember even Wonder Woman utilized people around her to fight supervillains.  

Cambridge Sands, stillbirth, neonatal death

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