Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Mirror...Mirror..On the wall..

Image retrieved from www.etsy.com

Mirror...Mirror...On the wall, who is the prettiest of them all? For many it would be nice to travel to one of Disney's fairy tales to envision being the prettiest in the entire land. Lets fast forward to 2016 where we receive MEDIA in overload. MEDIA does not discriminate when it comes to projecting various images of beauty for individuals. MEDIA comes in forms of Movies, Reality TV Shows, YouTube Videos, Social Media, Online Newspaper Articles, etc.

 As individuals, we contribute to how society view BEAUTY by projecting what is considered "PRETTY" with social medias such as Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram to name a few.  We constantly hear all the time what and how we should look. For example, you need to be the size of a Runway Model. Some might say you are too fat, you are too light or too dark, your hair looks better straight, or you need to be like Ashley (Sorry to all the Ashley out there). We hear all type of standards of beauty from media, friends, associates, and families.

I want you to examine your self-esteem. For instance, what do you think of yourself? Are you pretty? Do you like your height, weight, hair, smile, etc.? Where do you form your idea(s) of beauty? Is it from your friends, family, the popular clique, reality shows, etc.? Now write all of these examples of BEAUTY on index cards or a piece of paper. I want you to read them aloud until you get to the final characteristic. TEAR up each index card or list and throw them in the garbage.

Today, you will start ANEW. You will disregard this previous list of beauty and begin to LOVE yourself. It is time to begin saying daily affirmation to yourself that promote your inner beauty. Simply say things like...I am beautiful!.. I love myself!. I am who I want to be!! Write LOVE NOTES to yourself or begin an AFFIRMATION journal. You can also make a BEAUTY COLLAGE. Next, REJECT any images that you do not believe are an image of BEAUTY, REMOVE yourself from those individuals who project images that you do not hold, stop watching MEDIA which does not mirror the BEAUTY you see in yourself, and STOP shaming others who you deemed are not "BEAUTIFUL".  Try this for a couple of months and return to that beautiful mirror in your room and say the following:

Mirror...Mirror...On the wall, who is the prettiest of them all?

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